Brescia Tour from San Giorgio Resort on Lake Garda
Bergamo Brescia

Brescia Tour from San Giorgio Resort on Lake Garda

If you are on holiday at the San Giorgio Resort on Lake Garda, Brescia is a city not to be missed!

If you find yourself vacationing at San Giorgio Resort on Lake Garda and wish to discover the wonders of Brescia, here is a guide that will illustrate what to see, why this city is a jewel not to be missed, and how to easily reach it.

What to See in Brescia

Brescia, the “Lioness of Italy,” is a charming melting pot of history and art. Among its attractions stand out:

  • The Santa Giulia Complex: A UNESCO World Heritage site that will take you through the history of Brescia, from its Roman roots to the Renaissance.

  • The Santa Giulia Museum: Where you can admire archaeological treasures and artistic masterpieces, such as the Cross of Desiderius.

  • The Castle of Brescia: An ancient fortress that offers a panoramic view of the city and houses historical collections, including the Museum of Arms and the Museum of the Risorgimento.

  • The Tosio Martinengo Art Gallery: Which displays works of art from the Renaissance to the 20th century.

  • The Diocesan Museum: Rich in sacred art and historical artifacts.

  • The Mille Miglia Museum, a magical place to discover history, customs, and typically Italian culture.

Why Visit Brescia

Brescia will enchant you with its Renaissance architecture, lively squares, and picturesque alleys. It is a city where history intertwines with modernity, offering unique cultural and gastronomic experiences.

Brescian Gastronomy

The Brescian cuisine is a culinary experience not to be missed. You can delight in casoncelli alla bresciana, ravioli filled and served with melted butter and sage. Do not miss the spiedo bresciano, a mix of meats slowly cooked over wood embers. And for lovers of intense flavors, polenta taragna is a winter dish that combines buckwheat and corn with butter and cheese.

Brescia awaits you with its historical wonders and culinary delights. Prepare for an unforgettable journey in the heart of Lombardy.

How to Get to Brescia from San Giorgio Resort

To reach Brescia from San Giorgio Resort, you can opt for a car journey, which will allow you to enjoy the Lombard landscape along the way. Specific information on the route is not available, but you can use online map services to plan the most suitable path.

Brescia Tour from San Giorgio Resort on Lake Garda